
Welcome to the Somatic Affective Talk and Touch Approach. The bodymind therapeutic synthesis that occurs at the confluence of talk and touch.

Somatic = relating to the body
Affective = moods, feelings, attitudes
Talk = speech
Touch = contact
Approach = perspective

The approach guides people in a way to deepen their connection to themselves and offers them a way to expand into themselves. There is a  therapeutic synthesis that happens when talk and touch are combined that is beyond what only talk or touch can access.

SATT talk is simple and effective. Sometimes the body remembers while the mind “forgets” and SATT fills in these memory gaps so that the client can live in the present and heal the past.

A present touch is a foundation of the work. People can be frozen emotionally, physically and energetically in the past. By bringing a present touch to that awareness the SATT practitioner builds a bridge with the client to the present moment.

There is no diagnosis or fixing, in this approach, because the fundamental belief is that everyone is as well as they can be, at any given time. There is simply an exploration of what is and what could be. Awareness brings the possibility of choice and the client determines their direction of change.